Don’t let your history be a mystery.
My name is Mark and I’ve been sourcing records for researchers from the Public Record Office Victoria for over a decade.
I make regular trips to PROV to digitse records such as inquests, wills and probate documents. I can also search for old school, court/criminal, land selection and title records too.
Whatever your mystery - get in touch and I’ll see if I can dig up some history to help with your research.

Beechworth Asylum
Dead House Earth Closets, 1868
A 'dead house' was another name for a morgue - and mentions of these can be found all around colonial Australia in the 19th century.
The 'earth closets', referring to the two holes in the floor of the dead house, would likely have had a pail/bucket/container of some sort placed in them. This would function as a receptacle for any human bodily fluids that might escape the dead house's 'residents'. Charcoal, sawdust or soil would be added to this - and this may have eventually have ended up as fertiliser in the Asylum's gardens.

Glenluce, 1880
"Estimate of cost of repairs required to State School 771 Glenluce"
With a little sketch of the building included.

Cambrian Hill, June 1870
"That whereas great and disastrous evils have arisen from the operation of the existing 'Wines, Beer and Spirits Statute 1864', in consequence of the undue facilities therein granted for obtaining licenses for the sale of intoxicating drinks"
A bill to the amend the Wines Beer and Spirits Sale Status was passed in December 1890. Fancy a read? Here is a link to it...

Map showing Buffalo No. 3240; nearby schools and families, c. 1915
#schoolhistory #familyhistory #prov #victoria

Photo of 40 The Avenue, WINDSOR from a 1973 inquest file.
This house is no longer there, the land is now part of the Avenue Private Hospital.
#inquests #windsorvic #windsorvictoria

Ringwood State School, Feb 1887
"I am instructed by the board of advice to call your attention to the scarcity of water for drinking at the Ringwood State School No. 1451
#familyhistory #schoolhistory #prov #ringwood "

'Beechworth Hospital for the Insane Sun Pavilions; Drawing No.2', 1870
This plan is dated 1870, but I suspect it is from the previous year as a mention of the plans being available is made in the local paper in May 1869. The 1870 comes from a notation on the plan that reads something like 'Traced 20.01.70 Ararat'.
Did Ararat Asylum have similar pavilions?

Some more playing with maps...
Water supply map from 1867 overlayed on the current asylum structure.
#beechworth #maydayhills #PROV #victoria #familyhistory